Tööandjate Keskliit


March 15, 2017, Hilton Tallinn Park Hotel (Kreutzwaldi 23, Tallinn)

9.30–10.00 registration and welcome coffee

10.00–11.30 Panel One

Greeting from the President of the Estonian Employers’ Confederation, Tiit Kuuli

Kersti Kaljulaid, President of the Republic of Estonia

Toomas Tamsar, Chairman of the Estonian Employers’ Confederation: Why are we speaking about work?”

Viivi Luik, author: “Commitment and work”

Raul Rebane, strategic communications expert: “How does Estonian society perceive work and working?”

11.30–12.00 Coffee break

12.00–13.00 Panel Two

Tom Rüütel, case organiser at the Estonian Unemployment Fund: “What constitutes work for people with a diminished capacity for work?”

Pauliine Põldmaa, an 8th year pupil at Häädemeeste Secondary School: “Young people on the subjects of work and the future.”

Kai Realo, Executive Director of Circle K Eesti: “What changes in working will the changing of generations bring about?“

13.00–14.00 Lunch

14.00–15.30 Panel Three

Bo Henriksson, Regional Manager of ABB Balti: Topic to be clarified

Chairman of the Management Board of NG Investeeringud, Jüri Käo; entrepreneur Aadu Polli; international manager Kati Vabi; Minister of Health and Labour, Jevgeni Ossinovski: Discussion panel. How does the world work and what is Estonia’s ultimate goal?

Taavi Veskimägi, CEO of AS Elering: “New challenges for the working environment in business management.”

Toomas Tamsar, Chairman of the Estonian Employers’ Confederation: Recap of the day

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